Tuesday 5 May 2009

Capita IBS decision delayed

Decision day for Capita was due to be no later than 5 May, but the Competition Commission “now considers that the completion of its investigation, including the remedies process, and the publication of its final report, will not be possible within the original reference period and has concluded that an extension is necessary because of delays in the provision of information necessary to carry out the inquiry and the need to consider the effectiveness of both a full and a partial divestiture of the IBS business.”

Accordingly, the CC has
announced that the “reference period” has been extended by 8 weeks, and now the CC report is expected by 30 June 2009.

Unfortunately, due to reasons of confidentiality, I can currently only comment on information in the public domain, but I would not advise anyone to hold their breath whist awaiting a final decision on the remedies – this could be a long drawn out process.....

For my previous comments see:
Capita/IBS – Competition Commission progress (February)
Capita/IBS – Northgate notes published (March)
Capita's acquisition of IBS is ruled anti-competitive... (April)

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